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On the first exercise of each day, the first 3 sets will be presented as a warmup. What this means is that on the first set you should operate at 30% of your normal weight for that exercise, the second set should be around 50% and the third should be around 70% of your normal weight for that exercise.
These first 3 sets are only to warm up the muscles that are going to be used and should not pose any difficulty.
If you begin to feel tightness at this stage, lower the weight and take proper precautions to avoid injury, if you have already trained these areas before very recently and feel DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness), this is not a need for concern, however your ability may still be affected, so stay hydrated.

Negative Reps

A single repetition of any exercise can be split into 2 basic movements, which can be easily described as the movement from the starting position to the peak position (where your muscles are the most tensed) and the movement from the peak position to the starting position.
Therefore, a Negative Repetition is for when you cannot complete a full rep at the end of your set due to fatigue, so you receive help, perhaps from a spotter, to get to the peak position of the movement and then very slowly return to the starting position until you have completed the full amount of reps for that set (if negative reps exceed 2 reps for a set, we highly recommend you decrease the amount of weight you are lifting to a weight you can manage. A negative rep should not be your goal, it is a fall back).

Drop Sets

A drop set is where you reduce the weight of the exercise immediately after completing your set and go straight into another set with no rest taken in between to maximise your results. Some of these workouts will include a 3-part drop set which would mean you would complete the 1st set, immediately decrease the weight, complete the 2nd set without a rest, immediately decrease the weight again and then complete the 3rd set without rest too.
It is important to take as little rest as possible whilst doing a drop set to maximise the effect of breaking down the muscle tissue and pooling the blood in the area to boost recovery and growth. This can also help lose fat, too, as it consumes a lot more energy to do a drop set.

Rest-Pause Sets

These sets are our least favourite, but that doesn’t make them any less affective. A rest-pause set involves completing your first part of the set a normal, but then only having a 10-15 second rest before then completing as many reps as possible.
Really push yourself to your limits on the second part of this set, and if the reps of the second part are equal to or greater than the number of reps you completed in the first part of the rest-pause, then it may be time to think about increasing the weight you are lifting. Remember, the more you push yourself to lift heavier weights (with good form), the better your results will be at the end of the program.

Super Set

If you see these words above your next exercise, it means your next TWO exercises are to be done together. You are to complete the first set of the first exercise, followed immediately by the first set of the second exercise before you have a rest, then continue with the rest of the sets in the same fashion.
This is only for the two exercises listed after the program says, “Super Set” and does not apply to the exercises that follow afterwards, unless stated otherwise. The recommended rest between sets in between 1 and 3 minutes. However, if you find that you need to take a little more time, that is perfectly acceptable and will not negatively affect your results as long as you do not take too long between sets.


Nutrition is half of the work when it comes to gaining your health freedom.

The workout plan and how it is executed is the other half of the work. The workout program only accounts for a small percentage of the work, however, it could be argued that without knowing what to do, it would be incredibly hard to achieve your goals. When it comes to what you should be eating and how much, it all depends on what your goals are.

If you are wanting to lose weight, it is advised that you eat 300-500 calories less than your maintenance calories, to gain weight is 300-500 calories more than your maintenance calories, however it all depends on your lifestyle and eating habits, as well as your health.

Here at FlexVitality, we’re not too keen on counting calories to an exact amount as there are many factors that can determine how many calories you burn daily or whilst exercising, so instead, we recommend that you just alter your lifestyle choices. Whether you’re bulking or cutting, you should try to reduce the amount of processed foods you eat throughout the day, but if you are cutting, it is very highly recommended you cut out as many non-foods as possible.

By non-foods, we mean anything that doesn’t grow from the ground or come from an animal. Some of these so-called “healthy” foods and snacks readily available in the supermarkets have many ingredients that are not good for the body, such as sweeteners, colourings, syrups, flavourings and preservatives. Needless to say, these chemical, artificial products can greatly hinder your body’s ability to lose fat or gain muscle.

However, if you are attempting to bulk and gain muscle mass, sometimes it is important to feed your muscles after heavy workouts such as leg days to increase your body’s repairing ability and ability to gain weight. It is important to not overconsume these foods though, because you are attempting to gain muscle weight, not to gain fat weight.

Personally, when I go on my bulking seasons, I typically have a pizza or burger or lasagne etc once a week on leg day, because when you train legs, it gives your body a massive testosterone boost which boosts muscle growth, so afterwards I treat myself to feed up my muscles, so they have the energy needed to design the body I want.


Do not make drastic dietary changes or partake in vigorous exercise before consulting a doctor. Failure to do this could lead to severe health issues if your nutrition is not right for your body or serious physical injury if your body is not capable of undergoing certain movements or stress levels. Please consult a doctor before purchasing the workouts and a dietitian before starting your fitness journey as there will be no refunds for non-compliance to this. Nutrition is half of the work, we can only do so much for you in terms of getting you where you want to be, seeing as these workouts are tested and verified by multiple gym enthusiasts, and these have been our workouts in the past and present, there will also be no refunds for not achieving your goals in the timeframe set. Thank you for choosing FlexVitality to aid you in your fitness journey and we hope with all our strength that you shatter your glass ceiling and push past your limits to achieve health freedom!   Best of luck, FlexVitality Team.

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